Food! Don’t be sad anymore! Or, think about different things for a while.

This is what we have to do for every fruit or vegetable. And sometimes I try to not try very hard to remember and not forget to do this. But then Holly comes to my rescue and tells me that she already washed them and that I won’t die. So, good work, Holly.

So that’s why I haven’t died: Holly.

And this is food from La Mar, a restaurant by Gaston, who also started TANTA! (i.e. the best restaurant in the history of the world).  It’s his baller take on the traditional Peruvian dish “causa”, which is mashed yellow potatoes topped by awesome stuff. So, just come here and i’ll take you to Tanta or La Mar or even Hnos. Pasquale and you’ll laugh at me for be so freaking excited about the food and then you’ll taste it and then you’ll thank me at least 12 times and then you’ll continue this cycle with next person. It’s already happened from Susan to us and now me to you. Get ready, y’all…

This is cebiche, also from La Mar. Holly refuses to try it. She is silly. You wouldn’t be so silly, would you?

And! Fruit of the Day is coming. This guy is crazy in flavor-differencing. Because that is a word.